Imagine you live in Mexico and you just woke up. “¡Buenos días!” (BWEH-nos DEE-ahss) That’s how you say “good morning” in Spanish.
Breakfast is your favorite meal— beans with rice, and tea. Because it’s Saturday, you don’t have school. After you eat, your little sister asks you to watch Cleo & Cuquin with her. It’s a TV show about using your imagination to have fun.
Your abuelo (ah-BWEH-loh), or grandfather, lives with you. He’s promised to teach you how to play jai alai (hiy uh-liy) when you’re older. That superfast sport is tricky for kids. So you spend an hour playing soccer with your amigos, or friends.
Hungry for lunch? It’s the biggest meal of the day. After sharing grilled chicken and tortillas with the whole family, you take a siesta, or nap.
Don’t forget! Your cousin’s birthday party is tonight. You hope she’ll have a piñata filled with Vero Mango. Those mango-flavored lollipops covered in chili powder are delicious.
Keep reading to learn more about Mexico. How does it compare with your community?