Illustration of two rival basketball teams, each holding a trophy

Debate photos courtesy of families; (gold background); Illustration by Mike Deas

Should Everyone Get a Trophy?

Your basketball team spent weeks preparing for the tournament. You ran laps around the gym. You practiced dribbling, passing, and shooting. All that hard work paid off. Your team finished in first place! But at the awards ceremony, everyone got a trophy. Even the team that didn’t win a single game got one.   

Some people think that’s not fair. They say trophies should be awarded to only those that stand out, like teams or kids that come in first.   

But others say teamwork and trying hard should be rewarded too, not just winning. Plus, they say, trophies can help kids stay interested in an activity. 

Here’s what two of our readers say.

Everyone should get a trophy. Otherwise, some kids might get discouraged and give up on their sport or activity. Getting an award can boost kids’ confidence. It may push them to keep ­practicing and try even harder next time. Besides, ­winning isn’t everything. Kids should get ­trophies because they tried their best. That should count for something too.  

Kids should get awards only when they’re deserved. If everyone were to get a trophy, the kids who actually earned one won’t feel as special. Kids who finish in first place deserve to feel a sense of accomplishment. Plus, giving everyone a trophy doesn’t prepare kids for the future. After all, adults don’t get medals simply for showing up to work. 

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