1. What does the article say you could ask someone about to try to make a new friend? What other questions might you ask?
Sample response: The article says that to make a new friend, you could ask someone whether they went on any trips or spent time with family over the summer. You could also ask if they play a sport or have any pets at home.
(RI.3.1 Text Evidence)
2. Based on the article, what are two ways you could keep from procrastinating doing your homework?
Sample response: Based on the article, one way you could keep from procrastinating doing your homework is making a list of the things you need to do and checking them off as you complete them. Another way is to reward yourself when you are finished.
(RI.3.2 Key Details)
3. In your own words, what is the main idea of the section “Relax and Refocus”?
The main idea of the section “Relax and Refocus” is that using your five senses—seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting—can help you calm down when you are feeling overwhelmed.
(RI.3.2 Main Idea)