Lesson Plan - Going for the Gold

Learning Objective

Students will learn about the Olympic debut of a style of dance called breaking.

Content-Area Connections

Social Studies

Standards Correlations

CCSS: RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RI.3.10

NCSS: Culture

TEKS: Social Studies 3.10

Text Structure

Description, Chronology

1. Preparing to Read

Watch the Videos
Watch the video “Let the Games Begin!” to build background knowledge. Ask: How have the Olympic Games changed since ancient times? Then watch “The Breakdown on Breaking.” Discuss: Based on the video, why do you think many people see breaking as a sport?

Preview Words to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know.

  • qualified
  • debut
  • personality

Set a Purpose for Reading
As students read, have them identify why breaking is important to Team USA.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. Based on the article, what does it mean to qualify for a spot on a team? How did Victor Montalvo qualify for Team USA’s breaking team?
To qualify for a spot on a team means to perform well enough to earn a spot. Victor Montalvo qualified for Team USA’s breaking team when he won the 2023 World DanceSport Federation World Breaking Championship and became the world’s top-ranked B-boy.
(RI.3.1 Text Evidence)

2. Based on what you have read, do you think breaking should be considered a sport? Explain, using evidence from the article.
Sample response: Breaking should be considered a sport because B-boys and B-girls show a lot of athletic skill when they do moves like backspins, headstands, flips, and tumbles. They practice often and compete against each other just like athletes do in other sports, like swimming or soccer. 
(RI.3.6 Point of View)

3. According to the sidebar “Talk Like a Breaker,” if a breaker says she is practicing her “top rock,” what is she doing?
According to the sidebar, if a breaker says she is practicing her “top rock,” she is practicing the beginning of her dance. She is performing the moves she does while standing up.
(RI.3.7 Text Features)

3. Skill Building

FEATURED SKILL: Reading Paired Texts
Use the skill builder “Symbols of the Games” to explore four important symbols of the Olympics—the flame, rings, mascots, and motto.
(RI.3.9 Paired Texts)
