1. What might be another good title for the article? Explain your choice.
Another good title might be “Sea Otters Save Kelp Forests” because the main idea of the article is that sea otters help protect these underwater forests and the creatures that live there. The article states, “A recent study shows that these creatures are helping to protect kelp forests, the ecosystems they call home.”
(RI.3.2 Main Idea)
2. What does the author mean when he writes that sea otters “have started to bounce back”? What evidence does he give?
When the author writes that sea otters “have started to bounce back,” he means that sea otter populations are increasing after the animals were nearly driven to extinction. The author supports this claim by stating that by 1911, there were only 50 otters left and that “today, there are about 3,000 sea otters.”
(RI.3.1 Text Evidence)
3. According to the sidebar “Kelp Helpers,” what happens to a kelp forest when there are no sea otters?
According to the sidebar “Kelp Helpers,” when there are no sea otters in a kelp forest, sea urchins multiply and eat much of the kelp. Without kelp, many other sea creatures have no place to call home.
(RI.3.7 Text Features)