Illustration of two parents watching their kid sit on a pile of Halloween candy

Illustration by Jason Ford; Debate photos courtesy of families

Should You Get to Eat All the Candy You Want on Halloween? 

Every year, trick-or-treaters bring home bags of candy. But what happens then? Should adults or kids decide how much candy kids can gobble up? 

Some experts say a day or two of a lot of candy won’t do real harm. Kids can prove that they’re responsible enough to stop eating before they get sick. 

But other experts say sugar cravings are serious. And it’s not fair to expect kids to fight them on their own. They say it’s better to spread out the candy over weeks, not a day or two. 

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Kids should be able to decide how much candy to eat on Halloween. You learn a lesson if you eat too much and feel sick. There’s no one else to blame!  

Plus, candy is one of the best parts of Halloween. It’s just one day, so eating a lot is no big deal. I’m allowed to eat what I want, but my parents remind me to go slow. I stop before I eat too much.  

While it sounds fun to eat it all in one night, kids might end up regretting that decision. They could get a bad stomachache.

Also, if kids can eat all they want on Halloween, they won’t have any candy left over to eat at other times. Finally, once you start eating candy, the sugar cravings will only grow. That will make kids want more and more—and more!

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