A large group of people holding a patriotic flag while posing for a photo

Tara Krohn and students in Virginia remember 9/11 with the Freedom Flag every year.

Courtesy of Tara Krohn

Never Forget

Teacher Tara Krohn will always remember September 11, 2001. On that day, our country was attacked by terrorists. Those are people who use violence to spread fear. 

They crashed two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City. Another plane hit the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 

Nearly 3,000 people died, including more than 400 first responders. Those people tried to save lives.

“When some were running out, others were running in to help,” Krohn says. 

To keep the memory alive, she tells the story to her students. She teaches third grade at Woolridge Elementary in Virginia.

Krohn also works with the Freedom Flag Foundation. That group designed a special flag to honor all those affected by the attacks. It can be displayed below the U.S. flag on 9/11.

In 2018, a law passed in Virginia that made the flag an official symbol there. Other states are on the way to doing the same.

“Our goal is to make the Freedom Flag a national symbol,” Krohn says, “so that future generations never forget.” 

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