A gentoo penguin

You know about mail and email. But have you heard of the penguin post office? Located in Antarctica, Port Lockroy is one of the hardest to reach post offices in the world. It’s also home to about 1,500 gentoo penguins! 

These birds got new neighbors last year. That’s when four women arrived to work at the post office.

The women’s duties include sorting mail, selling stamps, and greeting tourists. The team also counts the penguins and checks on their nests. 

Working at the penguin post office isn’t easy! Temperatures can dip to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Plus, there’s no internet. So the team has little contact with friends and family. Luckily, cute critters are nearby to keep the workers company. 

“Penguins are the best neighbors,” postmaster Clare Ballantyne wrote online. 

Would you like to live next door to penguins?