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On January 16, many Americans will honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Born in Georgia in 1929, Dr. King was a leader of the civil rights movement. 

In the 1950s and ’60s, he led peaceful protests to demand equal rights for Black people. He gave speeches that persuaded others to join the cause. Now every year we honor him in January on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, also known as MLK Day.

Many schools and offices close on MLK Day. But many people will still be working. The reason is that MLK Day is also a day of service. People are encouraged to spend some of their time off volunteering in their communities.

How? Helping a neighbor in need or working at a soup kitchen are two ideas. 

Anyone can help out. Just ask 9-year-old Kieran Goh. Last MLK Day, he joined volunteers to pick up litter in a park in New Jersey. 

“I felt satisfied afterward,” said Kieran. “I think if Dr. King were alive today, he would be proud of us.”