Lesson Plan - Journey Into the Deep

Learning Objective

Students will learn details about the ocean’s deepest point and identify challenges in exploring this area.

Text Structure

Description, Comparison

Content-Area Connections

Earth Science

Standards Correlations

CCSS: RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.6, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RI.3.10, L.3.4, SL.3.1

NGSS: Earth and Human Activity

TEKS: Science 3.7

1. Preparing to Read

Watch a Video: Ocean of Life
After watching, discuss: How are conditions different in various parts of the ocean? What kinds of creatures live in each?

Preview Words to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know.

  •  descended 
  • expedition 
  • samples

Set a Purpose for Reading
Point out the “As You Read” question and have students think about reasons most life can’t survive in the deepest ocean.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. Based on the text and pictures, what is a submersible? What do you know about the submersible Vanessa O’Brien used?
The text and photos show that a submersible is a small vehicle used for traveling underwater. The submersible O’Brien used is made from one of the strongest metals on Earth.

2. What did O’Brien do during her expedition to the Mariana Trench?
O’Brien helped map a mile of the trench. She also collected water samples and took videos.

3. What can you learn from the “Layers of the Ocean” diagram?
You can learn details about the five zones, or layers, of the ocean. For example, the diagram shows that the deepest scuba dives are in the twilight zone.

3. Skill Building

Use the skill builder “Deep Dive” to have students follow a close- reading checklist as they read the article three times.
