Two elephants interlocking trunks

Elephants comfort each other by “hugging” with their trunks.

Battle of the Brains

Which of these animals is the most intelligent?

As You Read: Identify a sign of intelligence for each animal in this article.

Enlargeable image of a tiny pig with a controller

kencameron/ Getty Images (game controller); (pig)

Not all gamers are human. Last year, researchers trained four pigs to play a simple video game. The pigs learned to use their snouts to move a joystick. If they hit a target on the screen, they got a reward. 

These pigs are just one example of brainy animals. Scientists don’t all agree on what proves an animal is smart. Using tools, solving problems, and learning skills are often seen as signs of intelligence. Here are some animals that scientists rank among the smartest.


Elephants have the largest brains of any land animal. And here’s proof that they know how to use them! An elephant in a zoo in Washington, D.C., couldn’t reach a piece of hanging fruit. So it moved a box under the tree. Then it stood on the box to grab the fruit. Elephants use their trunks to grasp tools too. For example, they swat flies with branches.

They also have amazing memories. African elephants can find the way to water sources they haven’t visited in years.

Enlargeable photo of a dolphin with sonar waves


Dolphins may be the smartest sea creatures. They use whistles like we use names. Each dolphin has a special whistle that identifies it. Some dolphins remember the whistles of others they haven’t seen in 20 years!

Also, dolphins use teamwork to solve problems. In one study, two dolphins figured out how to pull ropes at the same time to open a container of fish. The pair “chatted” about the task by making clicking sounds.

Enlargeable photo of a chimp eating termites off a stick

Tier Und Naturfotografie J und C Sohns/ Getty Images

A chimp eats termites after fishing them from a mound with a stick.


Great apes are known for their smarts. The group includes gorillas and chimpanzees. 

In 1960, chimps were the first animals observed using tools. They were in Tanzania, a country in Africa. Researchers watched the chimps use sticks to scoop termites from mounds. The skill is known as termite fishing. Chimps often learn it by watching others. That’s a clear sign of intelligence. 

In 2017, a few chimps in Japan learned to play rock-paper-scissors. They were as good at it as a 4-year-old kid!

Enlargeable photo of an octopus hiding in a seashell

Steve Bloom Images/Alamy Stock Photo

Some octopuses hide inside seashells.


The veined octopus was the first invertebrate to be observed using tools. It carries seashells or broken coconut shells. The animal hides inside—either for protection or to sneak up on its prey. 

Speaking of sneaky, an octopus in an aquarium in New Zealand made a daring escape. In 2016, it squirmed through a tiny opening in its tank. Then it scooted across the floor. Finally, it wiggled down a pipe that led to the ocean.

  1. Based on the article, what are some reasons animals use tools?
  2. How is a dolphin’s whistle similar to a human name?
  3. What is one example from the article of an animal using its intelligence to solve a problem?
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