A volcano erupts near an ancient small coastal town.

After Mount Vesuvius erupted, Pompeii was lost for centuries.

Sergio Anelli/Electa/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

Fast Food Found

Press Office/Spina/AGF/Shutterstock

These paintings on the food stall were likely a menu.

Archaeologists in the ancient city of Pompeii (pahm-PAY) recently dug up a fast-food stall. Jars inside the restaurant contained leftover food that was nearly 2,000 years old. It included a mixture of fish, goat, and snails. Yum!

Jim McMahon/Mapman®

In the year 79, a nearby volcano called Mount Vesuvius (veh-SOO-vee-uhs) erupted. Ash and rock buried Pompeii.

The city wasn’t uncovered until 1748. Since then, researchers have dug up buildings, artwork, and other items, like coins and skeletons. Each discovery provides researchers with new clues about what life was like in Pompeii.

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