Take the Money Challenge!

Cash. Bucks. Dough. Whatever you want to call it, money is an important part of everyday life. And it’s pretty useful to have in your pocket! We can use it to pay for goods, like groceries or new sneakers, and for services, like haircuts or bike repairs.

Money has been around for thousands of years and has taken many forms. Today, most countries have their own currency, or system of money. In the U.S., the official currency is the dollar. But if you lived in India, you’d earn and spend rupees (ROO-peez) instead of dollars. In Mexico, you’d deal with currency called pesos (PAY-sohz).

Explore these two pages to learn more!

Change for a $20

Bureau of Printing and Engraving

In 2016, the U.S. government announced plans to change the $20 bill. Officials say the change will be made by about 2030.

Coin Count

The U.S. Mint produces America’s coins. This graph shows about how many common coins it makes in one year.

1. According to the article, what are some different names for money?

2. What is the purpose of the graph in “Coin Count”? List one fact you learned from it.

3. Summarize how money has changed over the years.

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